Saturday, June 23, 2007

Have a Blog Backup Day

Have you ever thought that you could loose your blog at any time or something could go wrong and you loose all your posts all at once. Well, I've thought about it a couple of times but most of the time I bypass the thought. But here is something I bummmed into today "Blog Backup Day." Its an unfficial day that just allows you to create the habit of backing up your blog on the 13th of every month. i think its really a nice idea it kind of makes you organised. Though its not mandatory that you must backup on the 13th you can set up your own schedule of backing up your blog. The whole essence of this is to start the habit by setting a definite schedule and frequency. I think the next question I need to answer is how to I back up my post? You can get all that on this site Blogger design.

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